Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Адаптированная книга на английском
- Тип книги
- Адаптированная
- Сложность
- Очень просто, Немного сложнее/Pre-Intermediate
- По темам
- Адаптированный английский
Ну что, тут можно без больших предисловий и описаний сюжета. Гарри Поттер и Философский камень. Впервые (я проверял) адаптированный до уровня английского Elementary/Pre-Intermediate. Это может быть ваше первой книгой, которую вы прочитаете на английском, там все просто, понятно, даже если вы только начали учить английский. Доступно в Epub, которая открывается любой читалкой и в PDF. Файлы придут на почту.
P.S. Дисклеймер для правообладателей. Это учебная версия книги на упрощенном английском языке. Для учебных целей.
Chapter 1: The Boy Who Lived
Mr. and Mrs. Dursley lived at number four, Privet Drive. They were normal people. They did not like anything strange. Mr. Dursley worked at a company. He was big and had no neck. Mrs. Dursley was thin and had a long neck. They had a baby boy named Dudley. They were happy.
One day, strange things happened. Owls flew in the daytime. People in cloaks walked in the streets. Mr. Dursley saw them but did not understand.
That night, an old man appeared on Privet Drive. He had long silver hair and a beard. He wore a purple cloak. His name was Dumbledore. He took out a silver lighter and turned off the streetlights.
A cat was sitting nearby. Suddenly, the cat changed into a woman. Her name was Professor McGonagall. She looked worried.
McGonagall: “Is it true? Are the Potters dead?” Dumbledore: “Yes. It’s true. Voldemort killed them. But he could not kill their baby, Harry.” McGonagall: “Harry survived? How?” Dumbledore: “We do not know. But Voldemort is gone now.”
A big man arrived on a flying motorcycle. His name was Hagrid. He had baby Harry in his arms.
Hagrid: “Is this Harry? Poor boy. He fell asleep.” Dumbledore: “Yes, Hagrid. We will leave him with his aunt and uncle. They will take care of him.”
Hagrid cried but gave Harry to Dumbledore. They left him on the Dursleys’ doorstep with a letter. The letter explained everything.
Dumbledore: “Good luck, Harry.”
They left. The baby slept. The world did not know that Harry Potter would be famous one day.