J. Rowling. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Адаптированная книга

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Гарри Поттер и Секретная Комната. Да, вторая адаптированная мной книга про Гарри для чтения на английском. Уровень Elementary или начальный Pre-Intermediate. Всё очень легко читается, и сюжет весь на месте. Велкам. PDF и EPUB, которые открываются любой читалкой, придут вам в почту.

P.S. Дисклеймер для правообладателей. Это учебная версия книги на упрощенном английском языке. Для учебных целей. В 5 раз меньше оригинала

Chapter 1: The Worst Birthday

Harry Potter was having a terrible summer. He was back at Privet Drive with his Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Dudley for weeks, and it felt like prison.

They didn’t let him use magic. They didn’t even let him talk about Hogwarts, his wizard school.

Harry sat in his small bedroom, staring at the wall. The room was full of old socks and broken toys that used to belong to Dudley. The only things that belonged to Harry were his schoolbooks, his wand, and a snowy owl named Hedwig.

But now, Hedwig was locked in her cage.

“You’re lucky,” Harry said to her. “You don’t have to listen to the Dursleys all day.”

Hedwig gave a soft hoot but didn’t look happy either.

Harry was feeling lonely. No one had written to him all summer—not even his best friends, Ron and Hermione.

“Maybe they forgot me,” Harry said quietly.

He missed Hogwarts—the magic, the castle, and the fun. But most of all, he missed feeling like he belonged somewhere.

Suddenly, there was a shout from downstairs.

“BOY!” Uncle Vernon’s voice boomed.

Harry sighed and went down the stairs.

Uncle Vernon was standing in the living room, looking very serious. He was wearing his best suit, and his mustache was neatly combed. Aunt Petunia was cleaning frantically, and Dudley was wearing his most expensive clothes.

“Now listen here, boy,” said Uncle Vernon. “We’re having guests tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Mason. And this dinner is very important for my business!”

Harry nodded. He already knew the rules.

“Stay in your room. Make no noise. Pretend you don’t exist,” Uncle Vernon said sharply.

“Yes, Uncle Vernon,” said Harry quietly.

Dudley started to laugh.

“Don’t mess this up, Potter!” he said. “Or you’ll be in big trouble.”

Harry ignored him and went back upstairs.

He sat on his bed, thinking about his birthday. He was twelve today, but no one had said Happy Birthday.

“Even my friends don’t care,” he said to Hedwig.

Hedwig hooted softly, as if to say she understood.

Harry picked up a photograph of his parents.

“I wish you were here,” he whispered.

Later that evening, the Masons arrived. Harry could hear voices and laughter downstairs.

Uncle Vernon was saying, “This house is perfect for business meetings. Very modern!”

Aunt Petunia was pouring drinks and saying, “You must try these cakes! I made them myself.”

Dudley was showing his trophies.