O. Henry "7 short stories more". Адаптированный английский

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Немного сложнее/Pre-Intermediate

Еще семь отличных рассказов О.Генри. Сам текст книги адаптирован, а оставшиеся сложные места переведены мной. Лучше всего для уровня Pre-Intermediate и выше.

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Transients |Бродяги| in Arcadia

Here is a certain hotel on Broadway that is very pleasant in the summer. Not many people have heard |слышали о нем хоть раз| about it. It is wide and cool |прохладный|. Its rooms have walls of dark wood. There are green trees around it, and soft winds. It has all the pleasures of mountain living, and none of the pains |буквальноникаких болей. Лучшеникаких недостатков|. You will eat better fish than you could catch for yourself in streams in the hills. You will have better meat than a hunter brings home from the forest.

A few |Лишь немногие| have discovered this cool spot in the hot summer of New York. You will see these few guests |редких гостей|, eating dinner in the hotel restaurant. They are happy to be there, and happy to know that they are very few. They feel especially wise because they have found this delightful place.

More waiters than necessary are always near. They bring what is wanted before anyone asks for it.

The pleasing distant noise of Broadway sounds like running water in a forest. At every footstep |На каждом шагу|, the guests turn quickly and look. They are afraid that the restless pleasure-seekers |не знающие устали искатели удовольствий| will find their hotel and destroy its pleasant quiet |тишину|.

And so these few |эти немногие| live during the hot season. They enjoy the delights of mountain and seashore. All is brought to them in their Broadway hotel.

This summer a lady came to the hotel giving this name: “Madame Héloise D’Arcy Beaumont.”

The name was like a name in the story of a great romance. And Madame Beaumont was the kind of lady the Hotel Lotus loved. She was beautiful and her manner was very fine. Everyone wished to serve her |оказать ей услугу|. The other guests believed that as a guest she was perfection.

This perfect guest did not often leave the hotel. In this, she was like the other guests of the Hotel Lotus. To enjoy that hotel, one needed to forget the city. New York might have been |был как будто бы| miles away. At night sometimes one might go out. But during the hot day one |человек, постоялец этого отеля| remained in the cool shade of the Lotus.

Madame was alone in the Hotel Lotus. She was alone as a queen is alone, because of her high position. She rose from bed late in the morning. She was then a sweet, soft person who seemed to shine quietly.