Yann Martel. Life of Pi. Адаптированная книга

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Немного сложнее/Pre-Intermediate
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Адаптированный английский

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When you hear the title of this book, you will think first of all about the boy and the tiger, who are sailing on a boat in the middle of the vast ocean. The book does have a similar scene, but still it is not the only one. The main character of the story is Pisin. As a child, he suffered a lot because of his unusual name. In the end, he decided to call himself simply Pi in honour of the number. The father of Pi is a director of the zoo. Once he transports animals from India to Canada. Along the way, their ship gets into a strong storm. In the morning Pi wakes up from a loud noise and goes on deck. An alarm sounds. Soon Pi finds himself in a boat, surrounded by several animals. The boat gets further into the ocean. The situation is extremely dangerous and the boy does not know what to do.

От себя добавлю, что “Жизнь Пи” очень уж мне напоминает “Старика и море” Эрнеста Хэмингуэя. Нет, нет, я не говорю, что автор Мартелл сплагиатил Нобелевского лауреата, но точно им вдохновлялся. Перед тем как прочитать “Жизнь Пи” я думал, что это что-то назидательно-ванильное в духе “Маленького принца”, но нет. “Жизнь Пи” - такое вполне себе сказочное суровое чтиво для взрослых. Да, книжку я упростил сильно, но сюжет остался. Желательный уровень английского: слабый Pre-Intermediate и выше.

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I am a writer from Canada. I went to India to write a story. I wrote for many months, but in the end, the story did not work. Before I went back home, I decided to explore the south of India. I arrived in Pondicherry, on the southeast coast.

I was at the Indian Coffee House, on Nehru Street, when an old man started talking to me. I told him I was a writer.

“I know a story that will make you believe in God,” he said. I ordered two more coffees. “Where does this story take place?” I asked.

“It starts right here in Pondicherry - at the zoo. It ends in your country. But you must talk to Pi Patel,” he said. “It’s his story.”

“Where can I find Mr Patel?” I asked.

“In Canada.”

I went home to Canada. I searched through nine pages of Patels in the phone book, and then I found him - Mr Pi Patel. He agreed to meet me. We met often as he told me his story.

Pi Patel lives in Toronto. He studied zoology and religion at university. His hair is a bit grey now, although he is only forty. He cooks wonderful meals for me in his kitchen. He has enough food in the cupboards to last his whole life.

Pi’s house is a temple inside. In fact, it is many temples. Ganesha, the Hindu God with an elephant head, is in the hall. The Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, is in the living room. On a table in the office is a book covered by a cloth. The book is the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam.

Pi is married. He and his wife have a son, a daughter, a dog and a cat. So this story has a happy ending.

Sometimes Pi gets upset when he’s telling me his story. After all these years, he still thinks about Richard Parker every day. This is Pi Patel’s story.